JAVA Programming Course (Basic to Advance)

Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Inc in 1991 and is owned by Oracle. Java enables the function to write a program once and then run this program on multiple operating systems. Java consists of a compiler, core libraries and a runtime. Moreover, the software developers are allowed by Java runtime to write program code in other languages.

The Java language has the following properties:

  • Independent platform
  • Object-oriented and strongly-typed programming language
  • Interpreted and compiled language
  • Automatic memory management

Why use Java?

Java works on different platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc. It is one of the known programming languages across the globe. Moreover, it is free and open-source. On top of that, it is secure, fast and powerful and has a huge community support. Writing, compiling and removing errors from a program is easy in java.

Java is easy to learn

Java has a considerable position over most languages because of its platform-independency. Java lets you understand the basics; it is also simultaneously high-level enough to implement coding logically. You are searching java Training institute in pitampura, here your searching stop DICS Innovatives is best java training institute in Delhi and NCR.

JAVA Programming Course (Basic to Advance)

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